Sonogram dating and birthdate

Remember, though, doctors (like anyone) are not great at predicting the future. Read more Your ultrasound dating should not be more than 1 week off from your due date at this point in your pregnancy.

Only about 5% of babies are born on their due date. Assuming this was your first ultrasound you should talk with your doctor about whether or not she wants to change your due date. Read more If your due date is a firm one, based on good dates &/or confirmed by ultrasound, most ob's will try to induce u if you go much over 1 wk.

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If you were to go into labor in august, while your confirmed date was september, you would try to stop labor to avoid a premature birth. Read more Many cite the figure of 1/20 delivering on the actual due date while 8/10 do so within a week of that point. Read more I'm not sure what exactly you're asking for here, but I'm assuming you need a guide to calculating pregnancy dates.Have a frank discussion with your OB and get an idea about your unique needs & the options ahead. Little wiggles and rolls, slight shifting of position by baby. The "due date" is more a reference point than anything else.The farther away they are from the due date the more of certain risks are present. If you think you are having signs of early labor you need to contact your OB and discuss it.The last time international jet-setter Denise Hale threw a party for herself was back in the days when she was married to Hollywood film director Vincente Minnelli.That was more than 25 years ago, so she was a little overdue.

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