Internet dating how to keep a man interested

I like this guy and we hung out last wednesday and had a really good time, we text almost every night, but it's hard for us to talk at school cuz we don't have any classes together.

You’re right in the middle of some of the worst stress right now – the holiday season.

If you want to stay in control of the date and keep him interested then take it easy and don’t overindulge.

He will want his own space and really appreciate you if you give it to him.

A final note – Commitment scares the hell out of us.

Finding ways to keep a guy interested in you can be hard. We hung out after school last friday as well, and it went really well!

Typically men want instant gratification and it’s hard to know exactly what they want from us. i pretty much only see him in the hallways and at lunch,because we have no classes together. He was so sweet cuz I had to buy a gift for my friend cuz it was her birthday and he came with me and hel...

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