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He carefully approached her bed, slowly pulled the blanket aside and stared down at her gorgeous body.She wore just sexy blue bra fitting her firm tits and thin panties that perfectly outlined her pussy lips.And she sneered at his awkward attempts to persuade her to sex. Tom prepared his mask and a couple of picklocks in advance, so nothing could stop him, when he went out for hunt.Sarah was on her way back home when her young neighbor opened the door and invited her to come in.Diana nearly collapsed with fear, when that scary stranger suddenly grabbed her from behind and gagged her.But she got terrified even more, when he dragged her to a garage with cuffs and chains hanging on the walls and stains of cum clearly seen on the floor.

After a glass of wine Sarah apologized for not having a present, but he said that his present is her pussy and he\'ll take it regardless of her will.Hitch-hiking alone is a dangerous thing, especially for sexy young girls, but Rory didn\'t care dangers before the day, when she was going to grandmother\'s village and hitched a ride.The mature driver looked quite friendly, at least until he forced her to please his wrinkled cock with her skilled mouth and juicy cunt.Kyle and his two friends worked as porters in the grocery supermarket.That day they were told to deliver some fruits to the other shop, so they took the boxes and brought them to the stock.

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