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After the Meiji Restoration in the second half of the 19th century, the publication of pornographic materials declined under government pressure.

In the late Taishō period and early Shōwa period, an artistic movement called Eroguronansensu, literally "erotic-grotesque-nonsense", occurred influenced by decadence works of Europe.

He further commented, "We think that child pornography, in any form, promotes values and sends the message that it is OK to sexually abuse children.

It helps pedophiles to justify their ideas or behavior and it desensitizes society as a whole." Since the law against child pornography in 1999, the proportion is now believed to be less than 2%.

Starting in 1971, homosexually-oriented magazines began to appear, including Barazoku.Homosexual magazines tend to be tailored to particular segments of the population, such as Badi, which features younger adult males, Samson, devoted to chubby men, and G-men, featuring muscular men.The proliferation of pornographic videos in the 1980s commonly called A/V (short for adult video) sold more videos because most Japanese families now had at least two television sets and VCRs.Lolicon and its contribution to the controversy regarding the regulation of pornography depicting minors has been a major issue concerning free speech both inside and outside Japan.Shunga or pornographic wood-block pictures were printed with all imaginable situations.

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