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JDate's blog, JLife, focuses on dating advice, Jewish traditions and pop culture.Success stories from couples who met on JDate are also published on JLife. Previously based in Beverly Hills, California, Spark Networks is now based in Los Angeles, California with additional offices in Lehi, Utah and Hertzelia Pituach, Israel.This free Jewish Internet dating site is FREE to join, FREE to post, FREE to send and receive emails. Why do some relationships last decades while others fizzle out after a few months?Even in Israeli cities like Tel Aviv, Jerusalem (Israel), and Netanya.

Speed dating has become very popular in places such as New York (NYC - Manhattan), Los Angeles LA California, Baltimore, Washington DC, Chicago, the UK, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Australia, Montreal & Toronto Canada, Miami Florida, Houston, Denver Colorado (CO), Cleveland, Las Vegas Nevada (NV), and Boston Massachusetts.

We also know that finding people who share your beliefs is key to our singles, so whether you’re looking for Jewish New York City Gay Singles or Gay Jewish Singles in Los Angeles, our relationship questionnaire can match you with other like-minded individuals who share your outlook on life.

Just let us know any deal breakers in the preference settings.

JChicago is a community initiative led by The Living Room in partnership with JCC’s Kehilla, Chabad on Campus, Hillel of Loyola, Birthright NEXT, Club1948, Free of Chicago, JET and Anshe Shalom B’nai Israel congregation.

The goal is to help Jewish singles in Chicago meet their match.

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