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Be prepared to remove your shoes upon entering a home. Ukrainian Flower Etiquette If you bring flowers, make sure it is an uneven number of flowers and also make sure when you send flowers to your lady that they are uneven to.

Men should not take off their jackets unless asked to do so. In Orthodox churches women wear scarves or hats, and men take off their hats. Don't put your thumb between your first two fingers - this is a very rude gesture.

If you will send just yellow flowers to your lady she can decide about your parting.

In Ukraine it is not a custom to shake hands with a woman. To keep apartments clean, most hosts will provide you with a pair of slippers. On public transportation, give your seat to mothers with children, the elderly, or the infirm. At the entrance of upscale restaurants, expect that your coat, briefcase or baggage will be checked. Have business cards printed in Ukrainian on one side and English on the other. When eating dinner at someone's home, casual dress is accepted. If you bring flowers, make sure it is an uneven number (even are for funerals) of flowers. Be ready to give toasts at dinner, for guests are often asked to do so. Offer to share your snacks and cigarettes with those around you. Be prepared to accept all food and drink offered you when visiting friends. Ukrainians are known for their generosity when it comes to feeding others. (Yes it is a custom in the Ukraine to send uneven numbers of flowers Because in there Culture the even number of flowers is usually given to someone as a sign of your condolence (Most bring such Bouquets to a funeral) and this could upset your lady or she might not like it One should be also careful with presenting yellow flowers as this color has falseness meaning.

Ukrainian citizens do not share the altruistic "looks aren't important" mentality that has spread through the West. You will notice that on the street, people will look first at your clothes, then at your face. - Women in Ukraine do not consider it feminine to shake hands when they meet. - Usually, men and women do not hold hands in Ukraine when they walk together. Be sure you always offer your arm to your lady when you cross the street. Many Westerners are not accustomed to using public transportation systems and forget this courtesy. If you forget to do this, she may think you have no table manners. - One of the main reasons Ukrainian ladies are interested in Western men is that alcoholism runs as much as 50% among males in this part of the world, which causes them to be less than desirable husbands.

Also, in the winter, make sure you take off your right glove before you shake hands with a man. When the two of you get onto or off of buses, trams, taxis, etc., always extend your hand to help your lady. - When at dinner or at a bar, always make sure that your lady's glass is full. Therefore, when it comes to drinking, you should always show moderation and self-control. - To avoid bringing dirt into their homes, Ukrainian citizens almost never wear their shoes inside. They usually have an extra pair or two for guests near the front door.

Specifically, a few will engage in sex on the first date, a few will not engage in it until they are married, but the vast majority fall somewhere between these two extremes -- they will have sex when they feel that a certain level of mutual caring and trust has developed in the relationship. - You will find that Ukrainian women have the same (i.e., modern) attitudes about sex as Westerners do.

Most hosts provide their guests slippers, but even if you are not given any, do not insist on walking inside the place of residence with your shoes on. Casual dress is recommended when eating dinner at the home of your special Ukraine woman.

Note that "casual" does not mean dressing for a heavy metal concert or a day at the beach.

You need not show up in elaborate or showy finery, either, unless the occasion specifically calls for your Sunday best.

Classic business casuals like dress slacks and button-down oxfords may get the stamp of approval of your Ukraine woman's parents.

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