Dating an alcoholic in recovery

Second wind remains current on both literal and figurative levels: the former refers to an actual physiological phenomenon in which an athlete, after reaching a point of near exhaustion, regains even breathing and has a second burst of energy; the latter denotes renewed “life” where life has an unlimited range of possible meanings.

Alcoholism is characterised by an increased tolerance to alcohol–which means that an individual can consume more alcohol–and physical dependence on alcohol, which makes it hard for an individual to control their consumption.

In air (aviation) operations, that phase of a mission which involves the return of an aircraft to a land base or platform afloat.2.

The retrieval of a mine from the location where emplaced.3.

This expression alludes to the revitalizing effect of taking a shot ‘a small amount of liquor’ or ‘a hypodermic injection of some drug.’ In its contemporary usage, however, the expression is usually figurative.

In this manner, though with frequent interruptions which were filled with certain threatening sounds from the recovered instrument, the pursuers were put in possession of such leading circumstances as were likely to prove useful in accomplishing their great and engrossing object--the , and had hopes of getting a job in the yards; and though she did not see her old-time lover once a month, because of the misery of their state, yet she could not make up her mind to go away and give him up forever.

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