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Preventing Violence and Promoting Safety in Higher Education Settings: Overview of a Comprehensive Approach.Includes information on what should be covered in a campus policy, tips for changing policies, information about federal law, and examples from colleges and universities. Department of Education Office of Post-Secondary Education. Dear Colleague Letter National Center for Higher Education Risk Management. The data are drawn from the Office of Postsecondary Education of the U. Department of Education Campus Security Statistics Website database to which crime statistics are submitted annually, via a Web-based data collection, by all postsecondary institutions that receive Title IV funding (i.e., those that participate in federal student aid programs) as required by the Clery Act. In 1999, Congress asked the National Institute of Justice to study school compliance with Federal laws requiring schools to disclose their security procedures, report crime data, and ensure victims’ rights. How College Administrations Can Help Fight Sexual Assault. CHANGE HAPPENS anti-violence campus organizing manual. General Campus Resources National Sexual Violence Resource Center Center for Public Integrity Sexual Assault on Campus: A Frustrating Search for Justice (three-part series).Interview with Indiana Campus Sexual Assault Primary Prevention Project about using communication to prevention violence on campus. The Clery Center for Security on Campus Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments requires colleges and universities receiving federal funding to combat gender-based violence and harassment, and respond to survivors’ needs in order to ensure that all students have equal access to education. This analysis cutting tool was designed to provide rapid customized reports for public inquiries relating to campus crime data. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice. Sexual Assault on Campus: What Colleges and Universities Are Doing About It. National Sexual Violence Resource Center Key Findings: Exploring Alcohol Policy Approaches to Prevent Sexual Violence For Administrators American Association for University Women. For Student Activists Know Your IX Students Active for Ending Rape (SAFER). Watch Prevent Connect Podcast with SAFER, Beyond Blue Lights. Reporter's Toolkit: Investigating Sexual Assault Cases on Your Campus. Oregon Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Task Force.When we talk about these things, we have to talk about them on this continuum." Maatz admitted, however, that domestic violence is often less discussed than sexual assault on college campuses, even as more and more colleges are wrestling with how to prevent violence against women. Department of Education published its final rules to implement changes to the Clery Act under the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013.“It would be fair to say that we don’t really hear as much about domestic violence, but there are really proactive steps being taken now to address that oversight,” she said. The new regulation now requires colleges to compile statistics not only for cases of sexual assault, but also for incidents of dating violence, domestic violence and stalking.

Also new to the final version of the rules is a requirement for colleges to record incidents of stalking based on the location of where either the stalker first began stalking or where the victim first became aware of it.In fact, many prevention methods for sexual assault, she said, are based on methods previously created for preventing domestic abuse. “When we’re talking about sexual assault, we’re basically talking about violence against women.And attempting to prevent that is a holistic approach that starts with sexual harassment and goes through sexual assault and even murder.Primary Prevention on Campus American College Health Association. Getting Started on Campus: Tips for New Prevention Coordinators. Recommended Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexual Assault Response and Prevention on Campus. Campus Policy Information Violence Against Women Act 2013, National Alliance to End Sexual Violence. National Institute of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.Shifting the Paradigm: Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence. Guidelines: Position Statement on Preventing Sexual Violence on College and University Campuses. This includes a listing of major changes in VAWA related to Sexual Assault. Findings from this report include: Mohler-Kuo, M., Dowdall, G., Koss, M., & Wechsler, H. Correlates of Rape While Intoxicated in a National Sample of College Women. Findings from this report include: Alcohol Use and Sexual Violence National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women (VAWnet) Applied Research Forum. • The Relationship Between Alcohol Consumption and Sexual Victimization. Preventing Violence and Promoting Safety in Higher Education Settings: Overview of a Comprehensive Approach.

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