Am dating man 20 years older than me

You might love his deep pockets, but with his great power comes your vulnerability.There is potential that you could never be financially equal to him, accepting this is key.You may need to start skipping the traditional Thursday through Sunday bar scene with the girls to appease his lifestyle.

After all, how many of us have witnessed the death of a loved one "before their time," the birth of a child by an "older" woman, or a person winning a marathon at an age that defies what's typical?

If life goes as it usually does, he'll be retired while I'm still working.

If life moves forward like it should, I might be caring for both my husband and my mother at the same time, since they're close in age.

There's already enough pressure when it comes to dating, why add more stress and think about the age thing if you really like this dude?

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